실시간 연구비

by 웹케시(주)



The researchers carried out their task and historyProject-specific funding amount, balance the budget, workforce participation, to verify the research Card UsageThe researchers dedicated service.## Feature Description ##[Assignment information;Performed, including the termination task, you can view a history of all tasks.Shows support agencies, research period, basic information and detailed research funding by the total amount of such staff,[Funding status;Item of expenditure claimed by the projects and possible funding by the balance can be checked in real time.[Involved personnel;The period of engagement and participation, labor payment of the researchers participating in the project are queried.[Card usage;The grant of card usage can be found in the same project and solution for your PC, you can only filter unclaimed card usage## Available for ##This application is available only to researchers of research institutions to build a comprehensive management system wepkesi ㈜.## How to use ##The researchers belong to wepkesi ㈜ comprehensive research management system of institutions can be used directly by entering the same ID as the off-duty applications and the PC version after installation.